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June 23, 2008



I applaud your efforts in seeking the ideal toe for the toe-up sock. I've been looking & experimenting w/the same idea. I have yet to find one that creates "the perfect round toe." Please see my blog: http://luvsknitting.blogspot.com/

Toe-Up Socks....let me count the cast-on ways

I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.


Thank you for this very timely post! I am working on the Summer 2008 sock pattern by WendyKnits for SOS 2008. I cannot make the M1 increase without splitting the yarn -- and it bothers me. I will rip them out and re-do with the YO increase. Thanks!

Suzanne V. (Yarnhog)

Hey, Laura! Are you in San Diego yet?


If you want a rounder toe that is less wedge-y, try increasing on every round for a while then every other round for a while then for the last increase (or two) do two plain rounds between increase rounds.

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