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May 29, 2008



That's a great idea! Plus, it looks so pretty!

Suzanne V. (Yarnhog)

I actually had a dream last night that I was swimming in yarn! I think it was just that the flannel sheet was wrapped around my face, but it was lovely while it lasted.


What a great idea!


Yarn as Art. Fabulous, dahling!


books or yarn?? it's a tough decision (grin)
and I love the image of rolling in piles of stash like Scrooge McDuck - I'd be right there with you!


We share the same investment and savings plans. More books, more yarn, all funded by the California lottery. . .


I have the same storage problem, with books and yarn. Most yarn is out of sight :( but I bought some inexpensive glass cookie jars from Ikea and put my favorite or soon to be used yarns in them and keep them on a book case. Also I use glass spaghetti jars for my little balls of scraps.


Phew! I'm not the only one on the planet with many many books (a thousand?) and, well, a significant quantity of yarn. I just bought (yikes!) 5 more bookcases. There will be a weaving bookcase, a spinning one, sock knitting one, etc.)


We must be soul sisters. I have tons of books and yarn. Books are on display but I tend to hide the yarn, no one understands unless they're knitters themselves ;o)

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