Do you ever get to the point at which you have so many projects on the needles and in your head that you are completely stymied, and just have to go and do something else for a few days? That's where I'm at right now. I haven't knit much this week, and I think it would be fair to say that I've actually done a negative amount of knitting, since I finally frogged the long-abandoned Dollar and a Half Cardigan. (It just wasn't working out.)
At the same time, it's a little past the middle of the semester, so I've got a big project looming closer and closer on the horizon, which I think I will do well on, but is a heavy weight on my mind nonetheless. Also, Measure just got his first tooth (which is awesome) but the second one is not here yet and is obviously causing him some discomfort (which is not awesome). It's not that life's bad, it's just that there's a lot going on, and there really just aren't enough hours in the day. (Daylight hours, anyway.) I woke up around 3:30 last night (well, this morning, but you know what I mean), unable to sleep because I kept thinking about this, that, and the other thing on my "to do" list, so I went out to the kitchen and washed dishes and cleaned up for half an hour, just because it was such a readily available mindless activity.
Entropy may be kicking my butt, but at least I have clean spoons.
I usually spin when that happens to me. Maybe if I didn't spin, I'd have a cleaner house!
Posted by: elizabeth | November 02, 2007 at 11:46 AM
I have been wandering aimlessly around the house a lot lately, trying to shake loose something in my head to make all my randoms thoughts and plans make sense. So far, it hasn't worked. I have so many knitting ideas (for projects, patterns, books), so many writing ideas, and so many new career ideas, that I can't make sense of any of it. Spinning sounds like a good plan.
Posted by: Suzanne V. (Yarnhog) | November 02, 2007 at 12:23 PM
I can't wait to see his little teeth! Hopefully I can come visit soon.
Posted by: Emily | November 02, 2007 at 06:01 PM
Do I? Uh, yes. Yes I do.
Just a few weeks ago I got up in the middle of the night and culled through the kitchen - sorting refuse, recyclables, donat-ables. It didn't help clear my head but the kitchen still looks great and I was tired enough to sleep!
Hope we get to see a pic of Measure's little teeth soon - once they stop bothering him.
Posted by: Miss Scarlett | November 03, 2007 at 09:20 AM
Uh-oh...the Dollar and a Half Cardigan was going to be my next project, but I've been hearing about problems here and there. Would you recommend it to someone else to attempt, or not? Thanks for the info!
Posted by: Clumsy Knitter | November 04, 2007 at 12:05 PM