I love football - both American and that other football game the rest of the world plays that we mistakenly call soccer. That's why this was the perfect football weekend for me.
First up, our daughter's soccer team played and won Saturday afternoon. It was their first win in about eight games so we were all very happy for them. More importantly they did it without subs, without their only goalie (broken arm), and with a back up goalie who left sick at halftime. Mostly we were pleased they did not give up and really encouraged each other. Afterwards we headed straight to the Stanford football game. They won (also one of their first) and I met a fellow knitter at the pregame tailgate party [*knit one, sip one* repeat until beverage is gone and spouse replaces it for you].
I have also for the first time, bought the NFL Game Day whatchamacallit TV package. Yippee, yippee. It means that I can watch the Chicago Bears and NY Giants all the way from the west coast. Appropriately, I am knitting one of our Sports Fan Scarves in Chicago Bear colors. It's for my daughter's teacher, also a Midwest transplant. I do have a tradition of knitting a scarf for the kids' teachers, usually at the end of the year, but this teacher is a fanatic Bears fan and it is football season so here we go. I love this teacher already because, some how in just two weeks she has taught my daughter organization, something I had failed to do despite two years of encouragement (a.k.a. nagging).
Even Karabella Yarn helped make this the perfect sports weekend. We carry Aurora 8 in colors for just about every pro and school team out there but Karabella was missing a nice dark red (especially a problem when Stanford and 49ers are your local teams) but a problem no more. They sent me an advance copy of the new color card and yes! it is there. Stanford scarf next. Now all I need is some nice 10 degree Chicago weather.
p.s. I'm looking for some great photos of student groups (teams, cheer leading squads or fans) in our sports scarves so if you have some in mind (4 or more people) we'll give you a significant discount on the yarn if you promise some pictures! Send a note to [email protected] if you're interested.
I am in football heaven myself. I have been to two University of Oklahoma games, so far, this season and last weekend I watched a portion of every game on tv. I too am working on a sports fan scarf....just a basic straight knit in crimson and cream.
are you on ravelry? there is a football fan group that it lots of fun.
ravelry: upnadam
Posted by: Amy Curran | September 18, 2007 at 06:05 AM
Da bearssss! I too, knit and watch the Chicago Bears kick butt (and be kicked). What a nice gift for your daughter's teacher! Go Bears.
Posted by: Aim | September 27, 2007 at 05:50 PM